We recently published an article called 7 Dangerous Toxins Lurking in Your Home...
Highlighting just seven of the offenders that are common, and which can make your sanctuary up to 100x more toxic than polluted outdoor air!
Here are 30 ways to reduce your exposure to each one of these harmful toxins, so you can decrease your toxic load.
Reduce the temperature of your shower water.
Install low-flow showerheads.
Open your bathroom window or turn on the exhaust fan when showering or bathing.
Ventilate areas with hot water appliances in use.
Phthalates and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)
Read labels and avoid products containing PVC or phthalates. Baby products, in particular, should be phthalate-free. Check for recycling codes V or #3 -- this means they contain PVC.
Don’t eat food microwaved or stored in PVC plastic containers.
Ventilate rooms well.
Choose natural fibers for window blinds and shades. Cotton, bamboo, hemp, silk, wood, or linen would be preferable over PVC products.
An easy way to keep pesticides from entering your home is by having a no-shoes worn indoors policy.
Grow your own organic vegetables or buy the freshest you can afford. At a minimum, avoid the “dirty dozen”—foods that are known to absorb higher amounts of pesticides than others.
Use non-chemical pest control methods instead of harmful insecticides. Diatomaceous earth is harmless to humans and pets but will kill a host of common household pests, including dust mites and bed bugs. For your lawn, choose non-toxic weed and grub control products.
Heavy Metals
Sources you can choose to avoid or otherwise make conscious choices: antiperspirants, building materials, pesticides, vaccines, lead paints, and dental amalgams
Use a water filter that removes heavy metals from your drinking water
If your home was built before the late 1970s, check for lead paint.
Avoid fish that are high in mercury: tuna, king mackerel, swordfish, shark, etc.
Avoid Teflon and Scotchgard-coated products
Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)
Avoid products containing PBDEs whenever possible. A reminder of sources: mattresses, pet beds, pillows, furniture cushions, furniture stuffing, carpets, and carpet padding.
Control your house dust. “Damp” cleaning methods will help.
Ventilate well.
Choose children’s clothing and sleepwear that do not contain fire retardants.
Choose wool or cotton fillers over polyester and foam for furniture or bedding.
95% of dioxins in your life come from animal fats. Lowering your rate of consumption of meat and dairy products will reduce your exposure.
Keep a no-smoking zone. Cigarettes contain trace amounts of dioxins.
Be mindful of burning products that contain chlorine, like wood treated with PCP and plastics.
VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)
Look for Zero-VOC or Low-VOC finishes and paints.
No smoking -- make your home a no-smoking zone.
Avoid pressed wood. Buy antique furniture or furniture made from solid wood. If you must buy particle board or pressed wood, try sealing it with a zero-VOC varnish or paint before it is brought into your living area.
Let new products “breathe” before bringing them into the home -- example, unwrap that new sofa or mattress and let it rest in your garage for 48 hours.
Keep well ventilated -- the better the ventilation, the lower the VOC concentration. This is especially true with new products, fresh paint, or newly-installed carpets. With new paint or carpets, air out the room as long as you can.
Climate control: Low temperature and humidity will lower the levels of some VOC off-gassing. Formaldehyde is a good example of this.
These are the types of aggressive toxins that you want to make sure are not in your home and, more importantly, not in your body!
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