The proper functioning of your liver is essential to good health.


It carries out over 500 vital functions… And holds 13% of your blood at any one time. 


Among its roles, your liver acts as a filter to this blood—breaking down nutrients into a usable form, metabolizing drugs into non-toxic forms your body can use, and cleaning out toxins that can harm you. 


Your liver is involved with glucose metabolism, immunity, blood clotting, hormone regulation, as well as processing with how you use fats and build proteins. 


When your liver is overburdened it can become inflamed. It can become less efficient, and your health can begin to suffer in a variety of ways. 


When this happens, you need to take action to help your liver help YOU. First, we’ll share signs your liver needs a helping hand, and then some ideas to get you started. 


Here are 15 signs your liver may be overworked and need some support and detoxification:


  1. Fatigue

  2. Depression, anxiety and/or mood changes

  3. Changes to skin 

  4. Abdominal bloating, discomfort or cramping

  5. Digestive issues

  6. Lowered immunity 

  7. Changes to the color of your urine or stools

  8. Brain fog (including difficulty with memory and decision-making)

  9. Gaining weight (and not being able to lose it)

  10. Sugar crashes (even high amounts of protein can cause this for a challenged liver)

  11. High cholesterol

  12. Hormonal imbalances (including estrogen and testosterone)

  13. Nutritional deficiencies (even if eating a varied, nutritious diet)

  14. Excessive body odor or sweating

  15. Snoring or sleep apnea


Do you suspect you need to give your liver a break? 


There are many simple things you can do to support liver health and function. A few are listed below: 


Lower Alcohol Intake — Despite some research citing the benefits of moderate drinking, the fact is alcohol burdens your liver. If your liver needs a rest, this is one of the easiest ways to help it, fast. Consider cutting back until you are confident your liver is working well. 


Stay Hydrated — Keeping hydrated is a gift to your body at any time, but even more so if you want your body’s best filter—your liver—to be able to flush out impurities, and keep all your “juices” moving and clean. 


Eat A Healthy Diet — The less processed the food, the less work your liver has to do to keep unwanted chemicals from harming you. Think organic. Cut out or decrease simple sugars (even fruit, at least for a time). Also consider your protein, fat and carb intake. If your liver is challenged, it may not be able to handle a high protein OR a high carb diet, until it’s healthier. A plant-based diet will do wonders for your liver detox efforts. 


Exercise — Get that hydrated blood moving through your body! Exercise is good for your organs, helps hormone levels, brain chemicals, and more. 


Consider Your Medications — It always helps to be aware of what harm your regular medications may be doing to your body. It’s vital you are aware when it comes to your liver, which is the organ burdened with processing these sometimes-toxic compounds so that they don’t kill you. If you are on a medication suspected of harming the liver over the long term, it may be time to discuss alternatives with your healthcare professional. 


Herbal Teas — Mother nature has provided some delicious, liver-boosting plants that are wonderful to use as teas. Teas that can support liver function include hibiscus, dandelion, and green tea.


Detox Supplementation — Nature’s plant wonders extend to several medicinal plants that support healthy liver function and liver detox. They can directly affect detoxification of the liver or support more “indirect” aspects like nutritional absorption or decreasing inflammation, all of which work to help your liver function better. 


Natural herbs and substances to support liver function and detox include:


    1. Zinc Oxide

    2. Milk Thistle (Silybum)

    3. Artichoke Extract

    4. Chanca Piedra Extract

    5. Dandelion

    6. Chicory Root

    7. Yarrow

    8. Jujube Seed

    9. Celery Seed

    10. Burdock Root

    11. Chlorella

    12. Humic Acid Powder

    13. Fulvic Mineral Powder

    14. Cordyceps Mushrooms

    15. Omega 3 (fish oil)

    16. Yellow Dock

    17. Methionine

    18. Grape Seed Extract

    19. L Cysteine

    20. Feverfew

    21. N-Acetyl Cysteine

    22. Choline

    23. Red Raspberry Berberine

    24. Turmeric

    25. Ginger

    26. BioPerine®

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