Highlights from Jonathan Otto's interview with Dr. Jay Davidson, for the Depression & Anxiety Series.
Dr. Jay Davidson
Dr Jay:
Balancing the Gut Microbiome
[00:02:00] I think really we need to sit back, take a step back and look at bacteria, because we have this whole biome or what they called microbiome and now we know that there's actually a whole fungus biome, what they called the mycobiome. Now there's also, we know that there's a virus biome or what they call the virome.
[00:02:30] There's all these different organisms in us. When I first started looking at the gut and saying, "Okay, somebody's got really bad digestive issues, what can I do?" I started looking okay, there's good bacteria and there's bad bacteria and then there's some bacteria in the middle. They typically called like commensal. I just like to think of them as squatters. They're just taking up space, they're just there.
[00:03:00] In the functional medicine world and in the healing the gut world, so much attention is brought to pounding down probiotics, eating fermented foods, all these things to get good bacteria in. If you think about it, okay, let's say I have bad bacteria and I have good bacteria. It's just not in balance and I'm going to pound probiotics, I'm going to take fermented foods and I'm going to try to increase it. Well we still have the bad there, and there's only so much real estate in the digestive track.
[00:03:30] One of the groundbreaking things that I figured out clinically was, okay, before we start putting bacteria into our body, what if we starve all the bacteria down. Right, so we take the bad down, we starve the squatters down. We take even the good down, which maybe sounds a little worrisome right away here, but we starve all the bacteria down. Then, we can then put good bacteria, fermented foods and other things in, and now look at this ratio.
[00:04:00] Instead of just having kind of this ratio, now we can get more of this ratio. What I've seen clinically is at least people get healthier because of that. When we're looking at protocols, like what can you do right now, we can start starving bacteria down. You can fast. You could fast just water fast. Any type of fast it's going to starve bacteria down, because it's not going to feed them. Pretty much most foods are going to feed bacteria to some degree, and then of course there's other gut issues like SIBO, S-I-B-O. Some people pronounce it SIBO, but Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth, where there's bacteria where it shouldn't be in the track.
[00:04:30][00:05:00] Really the key with that as well, is starving the bacteria down in the small intestine, and then re-inoculating the large intestine, where the majority of bacteria is. One of the good tools though is doing like a bone broth. If you're vegetarian or vegan, there's mineral broths, just recently heard about like a potato broth as well too. I think there's many options in that category, but a bone broth or some type of broth will actually help to starve all the bacteria down. It'll give you some minerals, where you don't become electrolyte deficient or anything like that.
[00:05:30] Then, I also like to kind of pair up, taking some type of like antimicrobial, herbs, antimicrobial or antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, because you want to kind of hit the whole category right. Taking all the biomes down and then let's eat some fermented foods. If you have histamine issues or like mass select activation, then maybe fermented, like raw sauerkraut or kimchi or like kefir it might not be the best for you and then maybe more probiotics.
[00:06:00] There's tons of bacteria in foods, like just a ton of them. Consuming fermented, foods taking probiotics is really a good way to then add that to that. If there's any other problems, the missing link that I missed for years even doing the starve bacteria down and then putting good stuff in, was parasites. If you have loose stools, stomach rolls a lot, don't forget about the parasites. I like those three things really to help fix the gut and it's autoimmune action that's happening inside of the digestive track.
[00:07:30] SSRIs, it's a slippery slope. When you look at antidepressants and these, basically psychotic antipsychotic medications, a lot of them come with black box warnings. Like increased risk of suicidal tendencies, increased risk of suicidal thoughts and I mean that right there is really something where I'm like whoa! We really have to be careful about dispensing, we really have to be careful about people that are on them, people that are coming off of them.
[00:12:00] My mom personally was on antidepressants, and I was like, "Mom, what can we do to really get you well?" For her, found out parasites were an issue, found out heavy metal toxicity was a big issue for her. Then also it seemed as if just giving her some basic nutrients, and there was a certain one called niacin, flush free and really high doses, that I learned about years ago, that absolutely was a game changer.
Parasites & Heavy Metals
[00:12:30] Assess the situation, understand that we're putting labels on it or not, but there's a big links with Lyme disease and changing our processing of our brain. There's big links of parasites doing that. Heavy metals like mercury is classically, it's known as the heavy metal of deception. It's very like a deceiving heavy metal, but it is definitely up there on insomnia. It's on there on anxiety, like this agitation that you, like I don't know why I'm feeling this, I'm just feel like whoa.
Flush-free Niacin
[00:13:00][00:13:30] I had a client, oh man, it's got to be about seven years ago now, maybe even eight years ago. This is quite a while ago. A nurse, very stressful job, overweight, pretty standard American diet, but I mean wanting to take her life, suicide, depression, really severe on a couple of antipsychotics, antidepressants, not touching it, nothing. I told her, I'm like, "Let's have you take some flush free niacin." I always recommend find the 500 milligram capsules of flush free niacin. Start off with 2,000 milligrams in a day, so two caps twice a day. Take it with some food just to make sure you're okay with it, and then if you don't feel anything after a week, bump it up to 3,000 milligrams.
[00:14:00] She did that, she's like, "Dr Jay, I'm still not feeling anything." I'm like, "Increase it, go up to 4,000." I see her again, she's like, "I'm still not feel anything." I'm like, "You're taking it?" "Yeah, absolutely." I'm like, "Okay, let's increase it." She got up to 8500 milligrams and when she hit that dose, it was like, "I'm happy. I don't feel these thoughts." All the chemistry in her body just changed, and that is when I realized, I'm like, wow, the power of just a simple nutrient or a vitamin, and the impact it can have on our bodies.
[00:14:30] Now, when you start extrapolating and then say, okay, 8500 milligrams of flush free niacin, that's of a lot, that isn't a forever thing. What I found clinically is, you've got to get to the point where you notice that it helps you, and then you can start taking less. You're kind of making up the ground and then you can take less, so I feel like that's a great tool that you can use at home.
[00:17:30] Yeah, gluten's a big one for really impacting people, so gluten is one of those things that we stay away from as a family.
[00:18:00] I'm not 100% set that it's the gluten necessarily that's people are reacting to. The gliadin protein itself or gliadin in there seems to be very reactive, but I also wonder about, okay, if you're consuming food with gluten in it, what about the glyphosate? What about the toxicity of that pesticide within and reacting really more to that than even the gluten or is a combination?
[00:18:30] Basically what happened with wheat and this is before they 'classified' things as genetically modified, GMO or GM, genetically modified organisms, was they basically irradiated the wheat and they changed it. They made it more dense, they made it shorter, so it was more drought resistance, but what happened is it made it more reactive for the body. It made it more inflammatory, it gave more sugar to it.
[00:19:00] The wheat that we're eating in America today is not what we call the ancient grains of before it was modified. There's definitely something to gluten in the newly modify grains, but there's also a consideration to to look at as far as the pesticides as well Jonathan.
[00:21:00] If you're exhibiting fatigue, if you're exhibiting inflammation, the gluten enzyme or the gluten that you'll find within weak products and things that's been modified and obviously more reactive, it'll clog up the lymphatic system. If you're already having health struggles, it will cause stagnation in the body oftentimes causing more reactions. I love for people when you're struggle with health completely stay away from it. I always just stay away from it, that's just my thing, but you should get some room for error words. Like you can have a vacation meal or you can have a holiday meal or something and it's not going to wipe you down and out.
DPP4 Enzyme
[00:21:30] If it does, that's always signs that there's something underlying you want to dig deep, but if you are ... I had some patients years ago. There was a mom with three young kids and the oldest child, which at the time was only like seven years old, super reactive to gluten. She'd have gluten like any trace of it and would go berserk, like just change mental. I mean really like exhibited some crazy emotions.
[00:22:00] We gave her an enzyme with DPP4 in it, which is just basically an enzyme helps to squeeze that liver gallbladder area, but it also seems to help break down gluten and even potentially casein. There was a time where she went over, the mom went over her brother's house and they know how strict they are. They're like, everything is gluten free and all of a sudden her daughter started reacting. She's like, "There's gluten in something." They end up finding out it was in the barbecue sauce of something, it got added right to one of the things. She gave her an enzyme, the DPP4 enzyme. Within 15 minutes emotions were gone. I think we can arm ourself with tools, so if you are sensitive we can curb that. In general, I do like staying away from gluten.
Keep Going
[00:22:30] I just so encourage you keep moving forward. I know there's times that can come up, where you get a little stressed out or frustrated or the results not happening. Always keep this in mind, we want to have our goals, we want to have a vision to move toward, but we always want to measure backward. Where are we today compared to a year ago, because we don't want to measure forward. If we measure forward, that's where anxiety, that's where stress happens.