Highlights from Jonathan Otto's interview with Dr. Jay Davidson, for the Depression & Anxiety Series.
Dr. Jay Davidson:
[00:00:30] When we're talking about brain conditions, especially Alzheimer's disease, APOE genes get mentioned often, right? The Alzheimer's gene. Except the one thing that I always question is "Well, how do we know if that gene is being turned on or if it's switched off?" One thing that we know, based on research, is that chronic infection will actually trigger that APOE gene, meaning a virus, a bacteria, fungus, parasites, these type of critters within us or that are infecting us can actually trigger and turn that APOE gene on.
[00:01:00] [00:01:30] When I'm looking at brain disorders—Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, just brain cognition issues, symptoms like anxiety and depression—all these things, we have to look at what are the source or sources to what's causing them? It always comes back to chronic infection and chronic toxicity.
Chronic Toxicity
Specifically in the toxicity side, you want to evaluate pesticides. It's been shown that glyphosate, which is basically the active ingredient of RoundUp, has been shown to kill neurons, basically neural cell death in the brain. Well that's a big thing when we're looking at brain health. It's also been shown to actually increase glutamate, suppress glutathione. This is a very toxic chemical that's very important to actually pull out of our body.
[00:02:00] [00:02:30] The second pesticide that's been linked and directly implicated with Alzheimer's is DDT. You might be saying "Oh, well it's not sprayed anymore." Well, these things have half-lives. They stay around our planet for a long time, unfortunately. We share one atmosphere. So what happens on one side of the world, unfortunately, affects us on other parts. It's these chemicals that damage our cells and really limit us from functioning at our optimal level. Also, when you start looking at "Okay, so we've got chronic toxicity. We've got glyphosate. We've got DDT," well, mercury. Mercury has a very high affinity for brain health. Mercury is found in vaccines. Mercury is found in dental amalgam fillings or what they call silver fillings, which is a little over 50% weight mercury. So it's a lot more correct to say it's a mercury filling than a silver filling.
[00:03:00] But there's also been research shown that, when you hold a cellphone up to your head and if you have a mercury filling in your mouth, that's going to increase the release of mercury. Well, we also know that EMFs, electromagnetic fields, or more accurately described as EMRs, electromagnetic radiation, that electromagnetic radiation actually makes good bugs go bad or makes good bugs go rogue. It angers the bugs within our bodies. When we're looking at chronic infection, we also have to look at our environment. We know that electromagnetic radiation will actually make toxicity worse because the more heavy metals we have within our body, the more it'll actually amplify that effect. Then it'll also make chronic infection more ravenous, and it'll actually encourage the good bugs to kind of switch over to the other side to go against us.
[00:03:30] Mercury is a really big toxin that we have to detox. It's not just about getting the amalgam filling out of your mouth. It's about actually detoxifying at the cellular level to pull the mercury from deep down in our cells and, more importantly, in our brain. That's why it's so exciting to have scientific breakthroughs of new chelating agents that are safe for kids that you just have to take it twice a day, that you can literally pull these things out of your brain safely because we can't handle this onslaught of toxins.
Chronic Infection
[00:04:00] [00:04:30] Now when we're looking at chronic infection, there's lots of research that's been done. One category, which is very close to my heart, is Lyme disease and specifically the bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. Borrelia burgdorferi, there was a scientist, Dr. Alan MacDonald, and he biopsied brains of Alzheimer's people that had passed away. He was able to culture this bacteria 100% of the brains, meaning that this bacteria was in the brains of everybody that had Alzheimer's in his study. By saying that, am I saying Lyme disease causes Alzheimer's? No, but it definitely seems to be a factor. When we're looking at chronic infection, there's multiple layers of these critters or of these bugs.
[00:05:00] Other ones that have been studied, like Dr. [Brian Balin 00:04:48] has studied chlamydia pneumoniae, which is also a coinfection or a chronic infection. He looked at 19 different brains of people that had passed on from Alzheimer's, and they were able to find and culture 17 of those 19 brains to have chlamydia pneumoniae. Now, in the same age related category, non-diagnosed with Alzheimer's and analyzing the same amount, they only found one of 19 to actually grow chlamydia pneumoniae. It looks like these different infections are actually part of what causes these brain cognition issues.
[00:05:30] [00:06:00] Other things that have been shown, herpes simplex virus one or HSV-1. That's been implicated, as well, with cognition. Candida has been documented many times to be shown and associated with brain cognition issues. Now the question is, are these things causing it or are they just there? My take from a scientific and clinical side of it is, I believe they're pieces to the puzzle. Again, when it comes back to it, what's causing our brain issues? Chronic infection and chronic toxicity. It's these infections and toxins, when they're paired together, that really wreak havoc and cause a lot of issues within our body.
[00:06:30] [00:07:00] How do you heal the organ that's controlling everything in our body? How do you heal the brain? A common question I get asked from practitioners, from clients, "Dr. Jay, I've been diagnosed with fill-the-blank-in.” That fill-the-blank-in can have all kinds of names associated with it. The key thing that you need to understand is there is an order to heal the body. There's an order to heal the brain, the organ that's running everything in our bodies. That order is typically the same no matter what that diagnosis, fill-the-blank-in, is. The first step with understanding how do you heal your body is to understand what are the source or sources to your issues. If you can't rule things out, then we want to assume that they're part of the process.
Drainage Pathways
[00:07:30] [00:08:00] The second piece is to open up the drainage pathways. Now, when I say drainage, I love to talk about the pathways that normally clear things out of our body and move things through our body. For instance, the colon—going number two. If you're constipated, that's a drainage pathway that's clogged up. The skin. If you're not sweating, that's a drainage pathway that's clogged up. The liver bile duct system, which I would argue is one of the most important drainage areas of the body. The kidneys. The lymphatic system. The glymphatic system, which is the brain drainage to the lymphatic. These are some of the most important things to understand about the body, and it comes before we detox. It comes before we kill chronic infection. We have to support our body, and that's through drainage.
[00:08:30] Now, when I define detox, I'm talking about pulling chemicals out of our body. I'm talking about pulling pesticides out of our body, removing them, such as glyphosate, such as DDT, Agent Orange. I'm talking about removing heavy metals like mercury, aluminum, these heavy metals that have a high affinity for our brain and can affect our brain, our nervous system, the system that controls everything. Drainage is one of the first main protocol steps. What that looks like is we want to make sure that we're pooping, that we're going number two. We want to go number two at least, I mean at minimum one time a day, but I would err on the side of going two to three times a day.
[00:09:00][00:09:30] If that pathway gets clogged up, everything gets clogged up above it. Understand it's a funnel. The colon is the very narrowest point of the funnel. Then the next part up from the funnel is the kidneys and liver bile duct. The kidneys are an area that really do a lot of filtration. They take a lot of stress when the liver bile duct is stressed, too. They're very intimately connected. Now how do we support the liver and the bile duct? We support it by having a lower load of infection. We support it by having a lower load of toxins in our body because the liver's the lifeline of the detoxification system.
Coffee Enemas
[00:10:00] One of the most powerful tools I believe that you can do at home for supporting the liver bile duct is coffee enemas. By putting some coffee in the rectum about six inches in, put the tube in, that gets absorbed by the hemorrhoidal veins which we've all heard of hemorrhoids. Basically you just have to understand the hemorrhoidal veins are connected to the hepatic portal vein. That's a direct connection to the liver. When you put coffee into the colon, when you put the tube up there and it gets absorbed, that goes right to the liver. It does a couple things there. It causes a purging of the bile. It causes the liver to actually make more bile so you won't become deficient of bile. Then it also helps to stimulate glutathione.
[00:10:30] [00:11:00] Coffee enemas can also help stimulate bowels to move, which can help the colon, but primarily we're looking at it's really great to help mobilize the bile. When the bile gets clogged up through infection, like parasites, they clog up that bile duct system. Bile also will get thick through toxins. The liver processes toxins, dumps it in the bile. The bile is needed to release when you eat food. Let's say you're going to eat some food. You start chewing on it. The body says "Oh, let's increase the stomach acid. We got food coming down the pipeline." Then as you chew, you swallow. It goes down in your stomach. That acid starts breaking the food down. When the stomach releases that food into the small intestine, bile is there to meet the acid to neutralize it. It's also there to help emulsify fat if you're eating fatty, eating foods with fats in it and not just carbs or protein.
[00:11:30] The lack of movement with the bile will actually interfere with digestion, so if you're having acid reflux, if you're having slow bowel movement, you want to look at supporting the bile duct.
Now, the reason the liver bile duct is so important is not just because of the GI, but because the lymphatic system, which has two times as much fluid as the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system depends on the movement of the liver bile duct. The liver bile duct depends on the movement of the colon. So you can see that these things are depending on each step. So if the colon is backed up, everything above it gets backed up.
[00:12:00] [00:12:30] Now where this comes in and where this connects especially with brain health, brain healing, is the glymphatic system. So if you take the world "glial," glial cells in our brain, and you take the word "lymphatic," and you put that together, you get this word called glymphatic. The glymphatic system, essentially, is the brain lymphatic system that when you're awake and you're conscious and you're active, your body is actually increasing fluid in the glial cells in the brain. It's actually increasing fluid. It's increasing heat.
Brain Drainage
When you sleep, that's when your brain drains. That's when the glial cells shrink. So if you don't get enough sleep or don't get good quality of sleep, and you find yourself yawning … When you're yawning you're actually trying to cool the brain off because of the heat and the fluid buildup.
[00:13:00] So the health of the brain directly is impacted on how well your brain can actually drain. Your brain drains only typically in deep sleep. So we want to make sure we're optimizing sleep. However, the other things that it depends on is the lymphatic system to be moving, the liver bile duct system to be moving, and the colon to be moving.
[00:13:30] So that's one of the cornerstones of this healing protocol is we need to support the drainage pathways. And it's not just the fact, oh, I'm gonna do drainage for 30 days or 90 days and I'm done. No. You're gonna start with drainage. Maybe you do that for 30 days, and then it's gonna come along with you for the journey.
[00:14:00] Now the next thing that doesn't get a lot of attention, but it should, is parasites. Parasites have been implicated with a lot of toxicity issues in chronic infection, and the reason why is mold spores will live inside of parasites. Parasites are sponges for heavy metals. A parasite epidemic is happening and it's across the globe. It's happening in First World countries like the United States of America.
[00:14:30] Parasite epidemic is there because of the toxicity epidemic. Parasites are absorbing heavy metals and the body is like, thank you, I'll allow you to be here. But now we get the downside and the toxicity that's produced, the bile toxins that are produced from these parasites. So parasites absorb heavy metals. They're houses for mold spores. So even if you clean up your environment, remove the mold, you can still be dealing with mold illness because of parasites.
Bacteria and Viruses
[00:15:00] And then the last piece is bacteria and viruses. Now I mentioned earlier that Chlamydia Pneumoniae, Borrelia Burgdorferi, Herpes Simplex Virus 1, have all been implicated with brain conditions such as Alzheimer's. That these chronic infections can actually be contributing to these brain disorders. Well, these chronic infections will live inside of parasites. It's been well-documented that Lyme disease will live safely within parasites. It's been documented that viruses will live safely within parasites.
So when we're looking at protocol, we have to look at not only what the sources are but we gotta make sure that we're nailing the order, that we're doing it in the right order, otherwise, you're gonna hit a wall and you're gonna get frustrated.
[00:15:30] Drainage is first. Drainage comes along with you for the journey. Then we're getting to parasites because pretty much parasites can house a lot of things. Once we start clearing parasites out, then we want to support detoxification.
Now things are available that are more cutting-edge to allow to detoxify these heavy metals and pesticides safely. Like bio-active carbons. These thing have been a game changer, especially for kids, actually safe for kids. You only have to take it twice a day. You can take it with or without food. It makes it a lot easier.
[00:16:30] And then the last piece we're looking at is chronic infection. Chronic infection gets a lot of attention, right? Lyme disease by itself has gained a lot of publicity, and I think rightfully so. However, because of its publicity, people want to jump right to it. Or heavy metals, right? Oh, I have heavy metal toxins, I wanna jump right to it.
Well, don't miss out on supporting drainage. Don't miss out on clearing out parasites. You'll be amazed at the things that you see come out of you.
[00:18:30] So, remember drainage, parasites. That unlocks everything. Then we can get into the heavy metals and toxins. Then we can go to clear the chronic infection. These are really important pieces to the journey.
Niacin for Depression
[00:19:00] As far as depression, that's something that has, unfortunately, ran in my family.
[00:19:30] But I remember watching and reading some older research about niacin. High doses of niacin was able to change people's moods and relieve symptom of depression—where they didn't need the medication anymore. I said, wow. How amazing is that a nutrient could actually nullify a symptom as severe as depression. My mom, at the time, was on antidepressants and had been on them quite a few years. I said, “Mom, try some niacin.” Now, the key was flush-free niacin. If you take regular niacin, you're gonna get very warm. You're gonna get this flushing effect. Some people feel like they're having a heart attack. You're not.
[00:20:00] It's actually healthy for your cardiovascular system. However, in the depression side of it, it's flush-free niacin. What I recommend to do is find flush-free niacin where it's sold in at least 500 mg capsules and start with 2 capsules twice day with food. So you're looking at about 2,000 milligrams per day. Do that for a week. If you don't notice any change, then increase it to 3,000 milligrams.
[00:20:30] Typically, 3,000 milligrams is that number where we see big changes with thought process, but if you don't notice anything in about a week, increase it to 4,000, and keep going.
[00:21:00] And what I find is you might need to get to a higher level before you notice the shift, but you won't have to necessarily stay at that dosing.
[00:21:30] But how amazing is that we're simply ... A nutrient could actually change or reduce that symptom. This is such a breakthrough. But it's been documented for years. So it's something that I recommend that you try.
Vitamin D3
[00:22:00] How can you forget about Vitamin D? I mean, Vitamin D seems to be beneficial for everything. But specifically with the brain and Alzheimer's, it's been shown that if you have lower levels of vitamin D, your risk of getting Alzheimer's is 50 or 70% increased. So just by maintaining healthy vitamin D levels, which can, literally, just mean you're out in the sunshine during the peak day for 10, 20, 30 minutes to absorb in your body, to manufacture. Or maybe you're inside most of the time, and you have to take a supplement, or your body doesn't convert sunshine into vitamin D. Increasing vitamin D can be a game changer, so don't forget, don't miss out on such a simple thing like vitamin D3.
Now, when you're checking your vitamin D3, the classic vitamin D3 test is called 25(OH) vitamin D. so 25(OH), that is the inactive form. Your body has to convert the inactive 25(OH) vitamin D into the active 1,25(OH).
[00:23:00] [00:23:30] So I always recommend, when you're running a test for vitamin D, let's check the inactive, which is the classic one, and let's also check the active one because you could have issues converting inactive to active, or you could be actually having issues of breaking down the active form where, if you're looking low on inactive, you could actually be toxic and active, or if you're looking high in inactive, you could actually be low in the active form. So this is really important to understand and to check. Check your 25(OH) and your 1,25(OH) when you're looking at vitamin D.
Macular Degeneration
[00:24:00] Macular Degeneration is actually twice as common as Alzheimer's disease. It doesn't get enough attention. Now, when we're looking at the eyes, we have to always go back to what is the source or sources of my eye condition or my eye issues? And it's been documented that parasites are a key factor of actually causing macular degeneration. So if they're one of the causes of Macular Degeneration, then we have to remove the source. And remember, parasites are one of those keys to unlock. Now, as you're parasite cleansing, and you might actually see eye floaters, that's a common symptom that will come about, and there's an intimate connection of parasites and the eyes.
[00:24:30] [00:25:00] We also have to remember that toxicity is a major factor, as well, so when it comes down to, "Hey, doc, I've been diagnosed with," and fill that condition in, something like Macular Degeneration. It still comes back to the fundamentals of what's holding us back as a whole? Chronic infection and chronic toxicity, but if you were to say, "Hey, Dr. Jay, I've been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration," first thing that would come into my mind is we need to work at parasites. We have to work at clearing out the parasite infection.
But remember the massive amount of clearing out, once you kill parasites, it's got to have a pathway to move, so that's where we have to support the drainage pathways, have to make sure that your colon is moving, have to make sure the liver bile duct is supported, have to make sure that the lymphatic system is moving so that the brain can drain the debris.
[00:25:30] The lymphatic system is two times as much fluid as the cardiovascular system. It's vitally important to the body. It's an important area because that's where a lot of our immune system function is at—the white blood cells going after chronic infection. However, once you actually kill something like a parasite, it's got to move somewhere. So let's say you have parasites in your brain. Let's say you have parasites that are affecting the eyes. Well, once you kill them, then how does your body clear it out?
[00:26:00] [00:26:30] In my understanding, that is the glymphatic system, which is the brain drainage, has a direct link to the lymphatic system, so anything that gets detoxed or killed will, oftentimes, get dumped into the lymphatic system via the brain drainage, which will then end up into the digestive tract. So we have to make sure that the drainage pathways are moving in order to safely detox, and also clear out the chronic infection of the brain. So don't think of the brain as separate. Think of it as all connected, and we need to support all the pieces of it.
What’s the source?
[00:29:00] I really believe that there's such an intimate link of infection with anxiety. There's a book called “Your Brain On Parasites,” and it specifically documents how parasites can actually manipulate our thoughts, can manipulate our personality, can manipulate the way that we process words. So the next time you're like, "Wow, why am I having these thoughts," it might not be you. It actually might be the critters inside of you. And so I feel like it's important to understand that so that you're gentler on yourself.
[00:29:30] [00:30:00] We're the hardest on ourselves. We're the hardest critic. "Why am I thinking these thoughts? Why is this happening? Why can't I be like everybody else?" There's a reason. There's a reason, and the key is to find out what are the source or sources and march upstream and remove them, because my wife, after four years of not being able to fly in an airplane, can fly, and it's because we got to the sources, and she's the healthiest she's ever been, but it had to take a crisis for us to get to a point where now, she's in vibrant health.