There’s an innocuous item in your purse or wallet that is very likely full of toxic, hormone-disrupting chemicals...
These toxins are well known and have been linked to obesity, reproductive impairment, autoimmune issues, and even autism.
What is this item, mingling with your lipstick and money?
Almost any receipt you get from a store.
And, depending on how often you handle receipts, you’re consistently exposed to and absorbing these toxins through your skin, if not breathing in off-gasses, as well.
You see your skin is very efficient at absorbing things and quickly passing them into your bloodstream.
And, according to a report from the non-profit organization The Ecology Center, 93% of receipts tested from both small and large retailers tested positive for BPA (bisphenol A) and BPS (bisphenol S). (1)
You may wonder why these chemicals would be needed for receipts…
That is because most retailers use thermal paper. BPA and BPS are applied as a heat-sensitive coating that essentially creates a chemical reaction and ‘prints’ the receipt.
You have probably heard of BPA as it relates to plastic containers. Due to the many negative health effects research has identified, the FDA banned BPA from baby bottles.
Additionally, increasing public awareness has demanded manufacturers to cease using BPA in most molded plastics, especially food-related plastics.
BPS was supposed to be a healthier alternative to BPA for both plastics and receipts, so its use has become widespread. However, continuing research suggests BPS is equally harmful to BPA.
The negative health outcomes associated with BPS include asthma, cancer, and diabetes, according to the reports by Scientific American. (2)
Unfortunately, scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the State University of New York at Albany say that 90% of your exposure to BPS can be traced back to receipts.
One study reported that 81% of Americans had detectable levels of BPS in their urine!
With receipts being among the many types of paper that are recycled, it’s safe to assume that these chemicals can also show up in other consumer products without us even thinking about it.
Thankfully some stores, like Best Buy, are taking action and making changes to non-toxic receipts. However, until all retailers follow suit, as a consumer you should be aware and limit your handling of receipts.
Keep in mind that you should wash your hands after touching receipts, and that greasy fingers, hand sanitizer or hand cream can increase absorption.
When doing taxes and other tasks that require you to touch multiple receipts for a prolonged period, consider using gloves. Those with sensitive lungs or allergies may even use a face mask in similar circumstances.
In the end, these toxins found in receipts are just two more in the long list you are exposed to daily. To make sure your body is able to efficiently and completely eliminate toxins, you need to detox at the cellular level.
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